Since July 2020, the EU member states are subject to directive 2018/851, which amends the 2008 Waste Framework Directive through a set of measures on circular economy. This “amending directive” sets minimum operational requirements for extended producer responsibility regimes including those that contribute to waste prevention and those that promote the reuse and recyclability of products.
Waste prevention involves supporting sustainable production and consumption patterns; encouraging the design, manufacture and use of products that are resource efficient, durable, repairable, reusable and upgradeable; and targeting products that contain critical raw materials to prevent them from turning to waste. It also encourages the availability of spare parts, instructions, technical information or other means to repair and reuse products without compromising their quality or safety; reduces the generation of food waste (and reduce food losses throughout the production and supply chains by 2030); promotes the reduction of hazardous substances in materials and products; and stops the generation of litter in the marine environment.
New recycling targets for municipal waste: by 2025, at least 55 per cent by weight of municipal waste must be recycled, then 60 per cent by 2030 and 65 per cent by 2035. Member States must set up separate collection for textiles and hazardous waste from households by 31 December 2024 and ensure that by 31 December 2023 bio-waste is collected separately or recycled at source (e.g. by composting). The directive also gives examples of incentives for the application of the waste hierarchy (e.g. charges for landfilling and incineration of waste, waste volume-based pricing systems).
As in the field of collection, cleaning and hydro-cleaning equipment is undergoing many changes, particularly in terms of motorization. A large number of them are being electrified both at the level of the carrier and at the level of the hydro-cleaning system itself. Others are offered in hybrid versions.
The equipment for collection and waste disposal innovates year after year. They benefit in particular from the integration of new technologies directly into the equipment but also in the form of specific applications or platforms. In addition, a large proportion of this equipment changes engines (e.g., electric, hydrogen), resulting in lower emissions but also limited noise pol...
Sorting lines also benefit from innovations linked to new technologies and artificial intelligence. Optical sorting systems continue to evolve. Others are used to control all the sorting center's activities. In addition, the equipment is becoming ever more precise and enables the recovery of ever finer fractions of materials. This is particularly the case with metals, many of w...
Waste treatment solutions are increasingly adapting to the new flows to be treated: plastic waste, construction site waste, cigarette butts, bio-waste... Whether it's separation, crushing, screening or compacting, the equipment is evolving. For example, the deconditioning of unsold food products has experienced a real boom in barely ten years. This is also the case for methaniz...