How are chemicals regulated in Europe ?
Optimizing the Use of Chemicals in Europe with the REACH Regulation: A Key Challenge for Health, the Environment, and Competitiveness
Read articleStay tuned of the latest news dedicated to the environment and the markets present on Pollutec. On the program: innovation, solutions, market developments, regulations, international...
Optimizing the Use of Chemicals in Europe with the REACH Regulation: A Key Challenge for Health, the Environment, and Competitiveness
Read articleA lever for regulating polluting activities, the TGAP (General Tax on Polluting Activities) aims to encourage and promote more sustainable practices, with a view to preserving biodiversity and human health, as well as supporting economic growth. In particular, the general tax on polluting activities makes it possible to internalize environmental costs according to the “polluter […]
Read articleIn 2018, more than 342 million tonnes of waste were generated in France – almost 90% of it from the industrial, agricultural and tertiary sectors – resulting in the depletion of natural resources, soil and water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions… Sorting waste at source is part of the now inevitable circular economy, with the […]
Read articleIn 2021, global plastic production reached 390.7 million tonnes (Mt), of which 352.3 Mt (90.2%) was fossil-based, 32.5 Mt (8.3%) was post-consumer recycled and 5.9 Mt (1.5%) was bio-based.(1) In other words, there remains much work to be done on recycling. Although mechanical processing is currently predominant in this field (used for 99% of thermoplastic waste), […]
Read articleIn France, the overall consumption of material (fossil energy resources, biomass, metals, non-metallic minerals) is nearly 800 million tons per annum. In 2017 for example this reached 783 Mt. In the same year, the amount of the five main materials collected for recycling (raw steel/cast iron, paper-cardboard, plastic, aluminium, glass) achieved 24.1 Mt, with 16.9 Mt ultimately being included in French production...
Read articleThere is much talk about renovation to reduce energy consumption but waste management is just as important for the building industry. The subject is certainly not new, but with the goalposts constantly moving in order to achieve circularity, it's definitely time to speed things up.
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