At the last Pollutec, we were fortunate to meet Guido Locatelli, CEO of ENVIE Rhône-Alpes. He went on camera to talk about the principle of corporate citizenship (l’entreprise contributive in French), while highlighting ENVIE’s specific experience.




“Corporate citizenship” – a hot topic

As part of preparations for France’s PACTE law (Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation), in March 2018 Terra Nova published a detailed report arguing for this model to be widely implemented. Through 21 proposals, the think tank sets out specific measures to pave the way for a new framework to adapt corporate governance and better coordinate company and employee dialogue with strategic leadership.

Adopted by the French Parliament in April 2019, the PACTE law aims to give companies the means to innovate, transform, grow and create jobs.

Alongside this, many experts are also championing this notion of corporate citizenship. Experts such as Fabrice Bonnifet, Director of Sustainable Development at Bouygues Group and President of C3D, who has launched a blog on the subject, called L’entreprise contributive.


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