
« Better Life Through EcoPro »

Why you need to contact Ecopro?

  • Owner of plant technology and materials technology
  • Development of the first microwave-based VOC removal system
  • Energy-efficient air dehumidification and drying system

Creating a new tomorrow through self-challenge, trust, change and innovation.


Who we are

EcoPro is focusing on the research and development of emissions cleaning from the air, cathodes manufacturing for the lithium-ion battery industry and sourcing of rare earth metals. In particular, it succeeded in developing a VOC remove system using MW for the first time in the world and supplied it to Hyundai Heavy Industries and its affiliates. Based on the MW technology know-how accumulated through VOC removal technology, it succeeded in developing an energy-saving air dryer and dehumidification system.

EcoPro is the only environmental company that has both facility technology and material technology, and is establishing its position as the best environmental company in the domestic and international air treatment market.
The company is planning to enter the overseas environmental market. As part of that, it established a subsidiary in Shanghai, China.

The range of products includes:

  • MW-VOC, a compact equipment that removes volatile organic compounds such as BTX, IPA and MEK, most of which are known as carcinogens
  • MW-Dehumidifier, designed to lower the level of humidity in the areas where the air is too humid to allow the paint to dry properly inside the paint shop
  • MW-Air dryer, used to remove water in compressed air by heating of electric heater and microwaves
  • Crossflow CTO, a metallic Crossflow type catalyst which features high efficiency, strong in thermal shock, and an excellent diffusion transfer coefficient.


Our advantages

EcoPro is the only environmental company that has both facility technology and material technology, and is establishing its position as the best environmental company in the domestic and international air treatment market.

We are planning to enter the overseas environmental market. As part of that, we established a subsidiary in Shanghai, China.


Our products


EcoPro has developed equipment that removes volatile organic compounds such as BTX, IPA and MEK, most of which are known as carcinogens. The system has the advantage of compact size compared to existing facilities by combining VOC adsorption/desorption and catalytic oxidation. It is highly applicable to industrial sites where a lot of VOCs occur, such as painting booths, semiconductor/LCD manufacturing processes, petrochemical processes, etc.



When contaminated air is removed from for example a paint shop for cleaning, there is a need for replacement air. Depending on the surrounding environment the incoming air needs to be set to the correct humidity level and the Ecopro Microwave Dehumidifier is designed to lower the level of humidity in the areas where the air is too humid to allow the paint to dry properly inside the paint shop.



EcoPro Microwave Air Dryer is a product that can be used to remove the water in compressed air by heating of electric heater and microwaves. Using both electric heater and microwave leads to a reduction of heating time, resulting in additional cooling time and an increase in the compressed air adsorption efficiency.

It can be applied to Pharmaceutical processes, Oxygen, Nitrogen generating processes, Nanomaterial manufacturing processes, Powder coating processes and Petrochemical processes, etc.



Crossflow CTO has metallic Crossflow type catalyst which is characterized by high efficiency, strong in thermal shock, and excellent diffusion transfer coefficient. This will provide the benefit of lower reaction temperature (180 ~ 400 ℃) compared to straight thermal oxidation thus lowering the running cost and avoiding formation of NOx. It is possible to fully oxidize VOCs (more than 95%) with catalysts.



Testimonial customer

Company Capacity (m3/min) Units Types Years Application
HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES 1100/1500 36 Rotor 2018-2019 Shipyard Painting Booth
HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES 1100/1500 18 Rotor 2018-2019 Shipyard Painting Booth
HYUNDAI MIPO DOCKYARD 1100/1500 15 Rotor 2018-2020 Shipyard Painting Booth
HYUNDAI HYM 1100/1500 5 Rotor 2018-2019 Shipyard Painting Booth
STECO 650 1 Rotor 2018 Si-Wafer Production Line
DONGXU DIANZI 150 2 Swing 2017 LCD

Production Fab

Murata Manufacturing 250 1 Rotor 2020 MLCC Plant

(in progress)


Sustainable cities and buildings / Sustainable city

« Better Life Through EcoPro »

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