« Efficient depollution against viral infections. »

Who we are

Since 1996/98 the associated private Hungarian companies Envirosan et Envihorizont have been present on the market with their integrated engineering activity serving the following main areas of circular economy:

– integrated waste water, thermal water management, valorisation complex of chemical  composition, thermal energy, sludge of biological treatment  (aerobic and anaerobic), water plants and microorganisms

– production of functional nutraceuticals and feeds based on microalgae

– zero carbon biotechnologies

– waste to energy , waste to biofuels, pollutants to energy, products and sub-products with high added value

– technological and energy audit

-testing laboratory ISO 17025 for water, sludge, microbiological and energy parameters

– practical training of students and PhD candidates

– expert evaluation of proposals in the frame of programs such as Horizon Europe, Eurostar, COST

– certification of UN organizations: UNIDO, FAO, WIPO, UNDP


The offer mainly includes:

– bioconversion complexes of gas pollutions/greenhouse gases/in aquatic medium to high added value products

– complexes of industrial production in different complexity and capacities adapted to local needs

– one or numerous technological  lines for cultivation of different species of microalgae and archae, liquid and solid products manufacturing

– complex engineering service in whole project  cycle.

Our advantages

– enhanced efficiency

– integrated knowledge

– elasticity of technical  content

– applied innovation

–  short  period of retourn of investment

–  advantages économico- sociales of health,climate and  environment


Risks / Asbestos and other particulate pollution

« Efficient depollution against viral infections. »

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