Naieel Technology

« Global Leader of Boron Nitride Nanotubes and Its Industrial Applications. »

Why you need to contact Naieel Technology?

  • Nanomatériaux supérieurs
  • Produits hautement purifiés
  • Produits stables

Who we are

Naieel Technology was established in September 2015 for the commercialization of BNNT (Boron Nitride Nanotubes) and its applications. BNNT has comparable mechanical and thermal conductive properties with a CNT (Carbon Nanotubes), but it is chemically inert and structurally thermal stable unlike CNT. In addition, opposed to CNTs, BNNT has a wide bandgap (~5.5 eV), which reveals electrically insulation. Due to these superior properties, BNNT is currently under explorations in many areas of IT, space/nuclear and energy (ex.: electric insulation thermal conducting materials, high temperature structural materials, desalination membrane).


What we do

Naieel’s BNNT has a registered trademark product called NanoBorNT. The main product is NanoBorNT-80 which is the product before purification and the other one is NanoBorNT-90, a highly purified product that has undergone further purification process. Both are aimed to people wishing to use BNNT product for their applied research.

Being light, strong, safe and stable, BNNT is a superior nanomaterial leading the 4th Industrial revolution. It is not substituting CNT, but rather applied where CNT can’t be used in IT/IoT, Energy and Environment, Aerospace/Nuclear/Defense, Biomedical, etc.


Our advantages

We have built a system capable of mass production at a lower temperature than other companies that produce BNNT, and signed product supply contracts with international product suppliers (Sigma Aldrich, Goodfellow, etc.).

By using BNNT in various application fields (Environmental catalyst, Thermal Interface material, Piezoelectric material, and Separators, etc.), improved results were obtained than existing materials.


Our products


(Left) NanoBorNT-80, (Right) NanoBorNT-90


1) NanoBorNT-80 : Product before chemical purification with purity of 80% or higher.
2) NanoBorNT-90 : Product which is highly purified BNNT obtained by the heat treatment of NanoBorNT-80 with purity of 90wt% or higher.


Naieel Technology in video

Naieel Technology

Risks / Asbestos and other particulate pollution

« Global Leader of Boron Nitride Nanotubes and Its Industrial Applications. »

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