The French biodiversity agency (AFB) was established on 1 January 2017. Under the aegis of the French Ministry of the Environment, its role it to monitor the environment and to be the first point of contact for the public and professionals.

Do you know all the areas in which the AFB works? And what is the outcome of this initiative after more than one year since it first emerged?

The missions of the French biodiversity agency

The mission of the AFB not only extends nationwide, but also to French overseas territories. Here, like over there, its work consists of bringing individuals to get to know biodiversity, regardless of the living environment (land or sea). Once the first step taken, it incites them to look after it.


Its action is structured around several elements:

  • Knowledge-sharing, through dissemination of information, data collection and awareness-raising;
  • Verification of application of measures taken by our politicians, and observance of European and national directives;
  • Management of protected natural marine or national parks, for which the Agency sets up technical public interest groups;
  • It supports social and professional contributors through its knowledge of the sector. It also contributes at each stage of biodiversity protection and restoration policies, from their preparation, through enforcement, to their control;
  • The Agency also contributes financially to its partners. It allocates an amount to projects focussing on biodiversity management and protection;
  • For the company, it began awareness-raising via education networks in issues such as the environment and sustainable development, and participatory sciences;
  • It helps improve induction and in-house training and provides a framework for the definition of jobs in biodiversity and in ecological departments;
  • It ensures regulations are met thanks to its role as administrative and judiciary police, for water- and environment-related concerns.

After one year, what can be said?

Even if the AFB is still finding its bearings, it is gradually taking its marks with positive results:

  • Its budget remains more or less stable. It is down slightly compared to last year’s.
  • More than 20,000 inspections detected 28% offences of all causes (pollution, works and endangered species trafficking).
  • 8 regional agencies have been set up.
  • Numerous motivating projects are waiting, such as the creation of a town biodiversity atlas in order to more effectively grasp and understand what is playing out in given areas.

As the State is becoming increasingly interested in nature, especially with the effective implementation of legislation for its protection, you may be tempted to take action yourself, or within your company. It’s an excellent first step! Please visit our website for more useful information on the subject.

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