ADEME launches a call for projects
On 15 May, the first wave of the “Eco-efficiency industry” call for projects launched by ADEME was concluded within the framework of the PIA. However, things are not yet fixed and two new deadlines have been proposed to the interested structures: 13.02.2019 and 16.09.2019*.
The main objective of this call for projects is to “promote eco-efficient industrial sectors that implement innovative technologies and organisations that generate sustainable economic activity and reduce their environmental footprint”. The projects must ensure the production of goods and services that control energy consumption to reduce GHG emissions, optimise material and water intensity and/or reduce the impact on the environment.
The expected projects will have to deal with at least one of these three areas; the examples proposed below are given by way of illustration:
The call for projects launched by ADEME
- Control energy consumption
Examples: increase in the energy performance of equipment or processes or the production system; development of new processes to reduce the number of production steps; integration of renewable energies or erasure devices in processes via systems adapted to production constraints; putting in place systems to reduce, capture and/or recover GHG emissions.
- Optimise material and water intensity
Examples: development of production equipment generating less manufacturing waste and waste in a circular economy approach; development of new processes reducing the production of by-products; adaptation of equipment to the use of renewable materials and recycling; recovery and recycling of material losses including the development of synergies or exchanges of material flows.
- Reduce the impact on the environment
Examples: development of innovative techniques or equipment for the reduction of polluting atmospheric emissions; development of innovative equipment to reduce aqueous effluents to improve the quality of discharges; replacement of toxic products.
This call for projects aims to fund innovations, demonstrators and pre-industrial experiments in the manufacturing industry and the consumer goods industry. ADEME specifies that all submitted projects must have the primary objective of meeting the strict demand of a market. Targeted markets will therefore have to be profitable over time and be well identified, characterised and quantified.
*Please note: schedule a meeting with ADEME at least one month before the application is submitted.