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Brotec France

« For the safest working environment »

Brotec France

Operators are exposed to hazardous substances and fumes on a daily basis. Our goal is to protect people against these unsafe working conditions and health complaints in the short and long term. Brotec’s “cab air filtration systems” are created for your safety and meet the highest quality standards. The system creates a slight pressure inside the cabin. Air from the outside is filtered, which ensures that only clean air is blown into the cabin. This way, pollution from the outside, stays outside.

Since 2007, our company has been producing and installing pressurization and filtration systems (PFS) throughout France. In line with new needs of a market more aware of environmental concerns, our products are entirely designed and manufactured in France. From raw sheet metal to finished professional stainless steel systems, we do it ourselfs. The systems are only released for installation after strict quality control. After mounting the system, all components are tested according to the strictest standards in the world.

Brotec’s offer

Installing pressurization and filtration systems (PFS) throughout France
Supplier of filters
Maintenance of installed cab air filtration systems, such as inspections and periodic filter changes.

Our advantages

From raw sheet metal to finished professional stainless steel systems, we do it ourselfs. Note that all parts of our cab air quality system are made of Stainless Steel. We are proud to say that this gives us the most durable systems available on the market.
After we assemble one of our can air filtration systems, all components are tested according to the strictest standards in the world. Not only do our stainless steel systems have high quality requirements. We also have a large number of mounting kits for specific machines. Custom stainless steel frames and air connections complement a high-quality installation on your machine.
Brotec continuously strives for innovations, we therefore present our latest innovation at the Pollutec. Our new signaling (which serves as a control panel in the cabin of a machine) called ‘F4000’ is a allrounder with a view to the future.

Brotec France

Air, Odours, Noise / Air

« For the safest working environment »

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